Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lost Highway, Tobacco, Maloney's Pub, 1000 lbs of tshirts, 1000 tote bags and a sweet Tiger

Eric Nyffeler designed these handsome Lost Highway prints for a David Lynch themed show at the Phone Booth Gallery in LA. Check out some of the other submissions and buy a poster here. White and black on grey paper. 18X24.

Tobacco is the solo project of Black Moth Super Rainbow's front man, Tom Fec, AKA...Tobacco. We made these 2 shirts for them last week....affectionately named "knife man" or "beard guy" or "gazpacho dude". You pick.

St Patty's Day is Thursday and Maloney's Pub is ready to party. Equipped with these new gems. Stop by and have a few beers on Thursday. They probably open at 6 in the morning. Have a beer before work!!

Bright Eyes Reorder = 1000 lbs of t-shirts and 1000 tote bags. Stay tuned!!

And finally, I scored this amazing tiger photo for the art office. It was only $2 and probably is worth at least twice that!! I win.


  1. Erics poster is turned out great. Did you guys print it?

  2. Ok, that was a stupid question. Never mind.
